Philtranco Bus Schedule, Tickets and Routes
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Who are Philtranco?
Philtranco Bus Transport Services Inc. is a local passenger bus transportation company in the Philippines which was founded in 1914. They established in1986 the LUZVIMINDA run wherein they united the islands of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao with their archipelago-wide bus-cum-ferry operations.
Today, with a growing fleet of 250 buses, Philtranco caters to the needs of travelers both foreign and local with routes from Metro Manila to Camarines Sur, Albay, Sorsogon, Iloilo, Samar, Leyte, Pampanga, Davao, and Cagayan de Oro.
They have two terminals conveniently located in Metro Manila. These are the Philtranco Pasay Terminal and the Philtranco Cubao Terminal.
Popular routes with Philtranco
Philtranco Bus Accommodations
They offer a wide range of accommodation types from regular to airconditioned luxury bus accommodations. Though the availability of these classes is often dependent on the route, here is a quick comparison of said accommodations:
- Deluxe: A non-airconditioned bus with on-board audio-video player and free Wi-Fi.
- Premium Deluxe: An airconditioned bus with on-board audio-video player and free Wi-Fi.
- Executive Coach: An airconditioned bus with free Wi-Fi, and on-board audio-video player and comfort room.
Philtranco Bus Schedule
Schedules dependon your destination of choice. Although bus trip schedules may vary, it is guaranteed that they have daily trips to your destination of choice.
Philtranco Bus FAQ
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the bus terminal, especially if you prefer specific accommodation types. For convenient online booking ticket reservations, visit
They have service routes to various destinations, including the following: Camarines Sur, Albay, Sorsogon, Iloilo, Samar, Leyte, Pampanga, Davao, and Cagayan de Oro.
Philtranco schedule for bus travel varies depending on your destination of choice.
The Philtranco fare will depend on the accommodation type you choose, as well as the destination.
They will charge you additional for Philtranco baggage fare if your baggage or cargo exceeds 40 kilograms or cannot fit overhead or under the seat.
Philtranco Destinations
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