FastCat: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes
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Who are FastCat?
FastCat is relatively new in the maritime business industry, but it has built a proud tradition of safety, speed, modernity, and uniqueness. It is a ferry company that operates fast crafts capable of transporting not just passengers, but also heavier cargo such as vehicles. FastCat leads the pack in modernizing the industry, with new vessels and features that highlight the safety, welfare, and comfort of passengers and crew.
Passengers attest to the cleanliness and quality service provided by FastCat. It is compliant with international safety standards, while likewise raising the bar for customer service and style. Indeed, it is the trendsetter among all sea transportation services. Let FastCat take you to several island destinations, in a ferry safe, ferry fast, and ferry convenient way!
Popular routes with FastCat
FastCat Ferries
FastCat has three accommodation types for its patrons and guests. Regardless of where you are situated, passengers will be equipped with individual life vests in case of emergencies. There is also a centralized snack bar so hungry passengers can get their fill while on the trip!
- Business Class: The Business Class option is a fully air-conditioned section that can accommodate up to 63 passengers. The area is spacious, neat, and has enough leg room for comfortable seating. There is an LCD TV and a centralized audio system so guests can watch their favourite movies while traveling. The business class can only accommodate a few guests, so go ahead and reserve your spot now.
- Premium Economy: The premium economy has more seats, with a maximum capacity of 105 passengers. The area is likewise air-conditioned and there are two LCD TVs for on-board entertainment. FastCraft vessels have wide and spacious aisles so guests can freely move around to get drinks or to go to the toilet.
- SunDeck Economy: The sundeck area is an open area that can accommodate up to 107 passengers. There are benches, as opposed to individual seats. While the area is open, it is still kept clean and dry. There are tarp windows that can be rolled up and down, depending on your preference.
FastCat FAQ
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the port. For convenient ticket reservations, visit
FastCat plies the following routes:
- Batangas to Calapan (v.v)
- Bulalacao to Caticlan (v.v)
- Iloilo to Bredco (v.v)
- Iloilo to Banago (v.v)
- Dumaguete to Dapitan (v.v)
- Cebu to Tubigon (v.v)
- Matnog to Dapdap (v.v)
- Liloan to Lipata (v.v)
- San Carlos to Toledo (v.v)
The fare will depend on the accommodation type you choose, as well as the destination. For more information on fare rates, please visit
The length of travel will depend on your origin and destination. Here is a rundown of travel time estimates per route:
- Batangas to Calapan (and vice versa) – at least 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Bulalacao to Caticlan (v.v) – at least 3 hours
- Iloilo to Bredco (v.v) – at least 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Iloilo to Banago (v.v) – at least 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Dumaguete to Dapitan (v.v) – at least 3 hours
- Cebu to Tubigon (v.v) – at least 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Matnog to Dapdap (v.v) – at least 1 hour
- Liloan to Lipata (v.v) – at least 2 hours
- San Carlos to Toledo (v.v) – at least 1 hour
Yes, there is a mini snack bar that passengers can freely go to if they want a quick bite or a hearty meal.
FastCat Destinations
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