Cherry Bus: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes
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Who are Cherry Bus?
Cherry Bus tops tourists’ go-to transport service in Palawan. It provides daily trips to the famed and picturesque islands of El Nido and Puerto Princesa with its quality, affordable, and well-maintained vehicles. Along with its trained staff, Cherry Bus is equipped to provide professional service to its valued passengers.
The travel service company takes to heart the safety and optimal comfort of its passengers. It towers over its competitors by providing more spacious leg room, frequent and consistent schedules, a reliable AC system, an on-board WiFi, and a commitment to safe driving. Start your Palawan adventure now and let Cherry Bus take you to paradise!
Popular routes with Cherry Bus
Cherry Bus fleet
Cherry Bus offers tourists three different classes, with a corresponding price range – elite, regular, and economy non-AC.
Elite: Travel with maximum comfort with Cherry Bus’ elite class. These buses have bathrooms on-board, more leg space capable of reclining, maximum AC temperature, and other on-board flight entertainment options. Travelling the elite way gets you to your destination faster by 30 minutes or so, given these buses don’t stop for passengers along the way.
Regular: Regular buses have a reliable AC system and are equipped with the necessary safety features to get you to El Nido or Puerto Princesa smoothly. There will be two designated bus stops along the way.
Economy, Non-AC: Cherry Bus also offers its most affordable option. There is no on-board AC system, but all the safety features are to be expected. As with the regular buses, the economy, non-AC buses will have two designated bus stops and may stop for more passengers along the way.
Cherry Bus FAQ
If you are already in Puerto Princesa, hail a tricycle to San Jose Terminal.
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the terminal. For convenient ticket reservations, visit
Cherry Bus operates from 4am to 10pm.
Cherry Bus services vehicles every two hours, starting from 7 a.m
Elite buses have bathrooms on-board. For regular and economy non-AC buses, there are designated stops.
Travel time is at least 6 hours.
Cherry Bus Destinations
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