Genesis Bus Manila to Baguio: Schedule, Tickets, Fares, and Booking

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Genesis Bus Manila to Baguio: Schedule, Tickets, Fares, and Booking

Online Booking

If you are planning to commute to Baguio City from Manila, the only option you have is to take a bus to Baguio City. Genesis Bus offers bus trips from Manila to Baguio City and vice versa.

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Bus Schedule

Genesis Bus Baguio fare rates and schedules vary depending on the type of bus accommodation and the terminal of choice.

Bus schedule and fare rates for Genesis Bus Baguio to Manila and Manila to Baguio based on the terminals in Manila are as follows:

Genesis Bus Avenida to Baguio Schedule and Fare Rate

Accommodation Fare Rate Schedule
Semi Deluxe 600.00 1:00 PM, 7:00 PM
Deluxe 720.00 12:30 AM, 3:00 AM

Genesis Bus Cubao to Baguio Schedule and Fare Rate

Accommodation Fare Rate Schedule
Deluxe 720.00 1:01: AM, 3:30: AM, 8:30 AM, 11:00: AM, 2:00 PM, 6:00: PM, 8:00: PM, 10:00: PM, 11:00: PM
Premier 740.00 2:30: AM, 4:30: AM, 12:00 PM, 4:00: PM

Genesis Bus Pasay to Baguio Schedule and Fare Rate

Accommodation Fare Rate Schedule
Deluxe 730.00 12:01: AM, 2:30: AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00: AM, 1:00 PM, 2:30: PM, 6:00: PM, 9:30: PM
Premier 760.00 1:30: AM, 3:30: AM, 11:00 AM, 4:00: PM

Travel Time

Travel time from Manila to Baguio City is approximately 6 to 7 hours for day trip and 5 to 6 hours for night trip.

Bus Accommodation

Genesis Bus offers three types of Manila to Baguio bus accommodations: semi-deluxe, deluxe, and premiere.

Hotels & Resorts

Cubao, Manila

Pasay, Manila


Victory Line Manila to Baguio FAQ

If you have a private car, you can drive to Baguio. It would take you approximately 3 hours and 15 minutes. If commuting is your option, Baguio to Manila bus and vice versa is your answer.

The bus is the cheapest way to get to Baguio City. Fare rate starts at PHP 410, with an estimated travel time of 5 to 7 hours.

On a private vehicle, travel time is estimated to be approximately 3 hours and 15 minutes. Via bus, travel time varies. During day trips, estimated travel time is 6 to 7 hours. On night trips, estimated travel time is 5-6 hours.

You have two options to get to Cebu to Tagbilaran. You can opt for a fastcraft ferry which takes 2 hours and fare starts at PHP 500 or a RoRo which takes 4 hours and 30 minutes and fare starts at PHP 175.

The best way to travel to Baguio City would be via bus.


Genesis Bus offers trips to Baguio City from Manila and vice versa daily. Schedule and bus fare depends on your terminal and accommodation of choice.

For Genesis Avenida Terminal, the first trip to Baguio is at 12:30 AM and last trip at 7:00 PM. Fare rates are PHP 600 and PHP 720 for semi-deluxe and deluxe accommodations, respectively.

For Genesis Bus Cubao Terminal, the first trip to Baguio is at 1:01 AM and last trip at 11:00 PM. Fare rates are PHP 720 and PHP 740 for deluxe and premier accommodations, respectively.

For Genesis Bus Pasay Terminal, the first trip to Baguio is at 12:01 AM and last trip at 9:30 PM. Fare rates are PHP 730 and PHP 760 for deluxe and premier accommodations, respectively.


About Genesis Transport

Genesis Transport Services Inc. provides airconditioned luxury bus transportation options that travel to key provinces and cities in Central and Northern Luzon. It has been on the road since 1991. Genesis Bus online booking is easily available at your fingertips.

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