SuperCat: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes
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Who are SuperCat?
SuperCat is a household name among many passengers, known for being at the top of the fast ferry industry. The company has bridged locals and foreigners alike to the wonders of the country’s islands, boosting and promoting tourism. The company has also invested in modern technology and the training of its crew, revealing a continuous effort to prioritize safety and quality above all. SuperCat also boasts a fleet of fast ferries capable of cruising at an average speed of 24 knots, which has reduced the length of travel time. This is why the company remains the preferred fast craft service for many passengers.
Being among the oldest in the industry, SuperCat has a century of experience and track record. Yet it has fearlessly introduced innovations and repeatedly raised the standard for other maritime vessels. It has also raised the bar for customer service, hospitality, and comfortable travel. SuperCat has built its brand, anchored on simplicity, passion, availability to customers, and a premium on an enjoyable experience at sea.
Popular routes with SuperCat
SuperCat Ferries
SuperCat has three straightforward options for passengers – Business, Tourist, and Economy class. The vessel nonetheless has a centralized mini-bar where passengers can purchase food and other necessities.
- Business Class:The business class is the most expensive accommodation type, offering passengers with wide legroom, a leather-cushioned seat with armrest, a folded desk, and full-blast air-conditioning. This section has a separate toilet. There are only limited slots in the business class section, so book your ticket now.
- Tourist Class: The tourist class, though much more crowded, still has decent legroom. The seats have armrests and there are folded desks so guests can eat or slurp on noodles much more easily. This section is air-conditioned and there is a television for on-board entertainment.
- Economy Class: This is also referred to as the open-air section. The area is not air-conditioned, but it is situated at the back portion of the vessel where there is natural ventilation.
SuperCat FAQ
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the port, especially if you prefer specific accommodation types. For convenient ticket reservations, visit
SuperCat ferries passengers to Batangas, Bacolod, Cebu, Iloilo, Ormoc, Calapan, and Tagbilaran. Its plies on four main routes: Bacolod-Iloilo, Cebu-Ormoc, Calapan-Batangas, and Cebu-Tagbilaran.
SuperCat offers daily trips for its Bacolod-Iloilo route, Cebu-Ormoc route, Calapan-Batangas route, and Cebu-Tagbilaran route.
The length of travel time depends on your origin and destination, but here is a run-down of estimates based on the main routes serviced by SuperCat:
- Bacolod-Iloilo (v.v.) – at least one hour
- Cebu-Ormoc (v.v.) – at least 2 hours and 30 minutes
- Calapan-Batangas (v.v.) – at least one hour
- Cebu-Tagbilaran (v.v.) – at least 2 hours
The fare will depend on the accommodation type you choose, as well as the destination. For more information on fare rates, please visit
SuperCat Destinations
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