Si-Kat Bus and Ferry: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes
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Who are Si-Kat Bus and Ferry?
Si-Kat is a bus and ferry service company that derives its name from the Filipino word sikat, meaning sunrise, successful, or popular. The company certainly lives up to its name, as it has built a reputation as the best bus and ferry service plying the Manila-Puerto Galera route. In its years of operation, Si-kat Ferrybus Company has safely transported ALL of its passengers and has continued with its safe and quality service up to this date. Puerto Galera is home to many pristine beaches, scenic views, and exciting tours, and there is no better way to live that adventure than by booking with Si-Kat!
The company has sensibly provided both bus and ferry service, after consideration of the Manila-Puerto Galera-Manila route. With Si-Kat Ferrybus Company, your itinerary includes direct travel from Manila to the Batangas Pier, from the pier to Puerto Galera. Si-Kat has got you covered for the entire trip!
Popular routes with Si-Kat Bus and Ferry
Si-Kat Buses and Ferries
Si-Kat offers the following services for its passengers:
- Bus: The Si-kat bus is an air-conditioned tourist bus that departs from the City State Tower, Ermita, Manila every day. It has cushioned seats for comfortable travel, as well as a television for on-board entertainment.
- Ferry: The ferry operated by Si-Kat is a fast craft that has a maximum capacity of 196 passengers. There is an interior bar with a restaurant and kitchen, so guests are served with fresh food from a wide array of choices. The seats are comfortable and have sufficient space for passengers to place their luggage and easily move around. The Si-Kat ferry leaves from the Batangas Pier daily, taking passengers to Puerto Galera or ushering them to their bus trip home towards Manila.
Si-Kat Bus and FerryFAQ
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the port. For convenient ticket reservations, visit
Si-Kat Ferrybus offers daily trips from Manila to Puerto Galera (and vice versa). There is an 8 a.m. daily trip from Manila-Puerto Galera, and a 9 a.m. daily trip from Puerto Galera to Manila.
The fare will depend on the accommodation type you choose, as well as the destination.
A one-way trip from Manila to Puerto Galera takes a total of at least 3 hours – 2 hours by bus and at least an hour by boat.
You need to go to the Si-Kat bus terminal, which is at City State Tower, Mabini St., Ermita, Manila. The bus will depart from there.
Si-Kat Bus and Ferry Destinations
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