Seacat Ferries: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes
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Who are Seacat Grand Ferries?
Seacat Grand Ferries has proudly manned the Calbayog-Cebu route, offering daily trips to passengers. It is equipped with the latest technology for sea navigation and has confidently passed standards set by the International Association of Classification Societies. It is a powerful ferry which has reduced travel time in the Calbayog-Cebu-Calbayog route from 12 to 5 hours! This transport service has likewise introduced the city of Calbayog to the rest of the Philippines, and adventurous spirits from different parts of the globe.
While it is relatively new, having only been in operation since 2018, this fast craft service has safely ferried both locals and tourists from Calbayog to Cebu. Boasting a 300-seater ferry, Seacat Grand Ferries takes passengers from the rarely explored wonders of Calbayog to the beautiful and pristine shorelines of Cebu. If you want it fast, efficient, and safe, let Seacat be the bridge to your next adventure.
Popular routes with Seacat Grand Ferries
SeaCat Grand Ferries
Seacat Grand Ferries accommodates passengers on a three-part fare rate:
- Economy Class: If you are traveling on a budget and have no problem with natural ventilation, then the economy class might be more suitable for your need. It caters to a higher number of passengers and is located at the back portion of the ferry. Among the three, this is the most affordable option.
- Tourist Class: The tourist class offers a series of rows with decent leg space, with sufficient room to have your backpack near your legs or under your seat. This section of the ferry is air-conditioned.
- Business Class: The business class section offers a more spacious area. It is also the most expensive accommodation available. Seats are much wider, with more leg space. The business class has cushioned seating, with limited capacity. It is located in a neat and well-maintained area above the tourist and economy classes.
SeaCat Grand Ferries FAQ
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the port. For convenient ticket reservations, visit
Seacat’s main port is in Calabyog. Meanwhile, if you are traveling from Cebu, then go to Pier 3, which is specifically located in Quezon Boulevard, Cebu City.
The travel time for the Calbayog-Cebu route (and vice versa) is approximately 5 hours.
Seacat offers daily trips for the Calbayog-Cebu route. There is an 8 a.m. ferry bound for Cebu every day, and a subsequent 2 p.m. schedule back to Calbayog.
Seacat offers a maximum of 15-kilogram free baggage allowance per passenger.
SeaCat Destinations
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