Lite Ferry Schedule, Tickets, and Routes
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Who are Lite Ferry?
Lite Ferry Shipping Corporation was founded in 1990 with its first RoRo cargo passenger boat traversing Bohol, and Cebu waters. They pioneered the establishment of routes in the Visayas and Mindanao islands, specifically the Cebu City to Dapitan and Zamboanga del Norte routes.
Today, Lite Ferry operates 20 RoRo cargo passenger vessels transporting travelers, vehicles and cargo to major destinations in the Visayas and Mindanao islands such as Argao, Boho, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Dapitan, Dipolog, Dumaguete, Jagna, Larena, Loon, Nasipit, Ormoc, Oslob, Ouano, Plaridel, Samboan, San Carlos, Tagbilaran, Toledo, and Tubigon.
Popular routes with Lite Ferry
Lite Ferry Accommodation
Lite Ferries offers a wide range of accommodation types. Though the availability of these classes is often dependent on the vessel type and the route, here is a quick comparison of said categories:
- Economy Class: The most affordable accommodation Lite Ferries is offering. This is the “sitting” accommodation wherein sitting spaces are available for passengers during the entire trip.
- Standard Class: This accommodation offers bunk beds for passengers to rest on throughout the trip.
- Tourist and First Class: These are the two most expensive accommodation Lite Ferries is offering.
Some cargo ferries may only have the economy class, while some may have all four types of accommodation. This availability also varies depending on the vessel and the route of choice.
Lite Ferry Shipping Travel Schedule
Schedules for ferry travel varies depending on your destination of choice. Although trips may vary, it is guaranteed that they have daily and weekly trips to your destination of choice.
Lite Ferry FAQ
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the port, especially if you prefer specific accommodation types. For convenient Lite Ferries online booking and ticket reservations, visit
Lite Ferries has service routes to various destinations, including the following: Cagayan de Oro to Bohol, Bohol to Agusan del Norte, Negros to Toledo, Tagbilaran to Plaridel, Nasipit to Jagna Bohol, Ormoc to Mandaue, Bohol to Cagayan de Oro, Ormoc to Cebu, Cebu to Tubigon, San Carlos to Toledo, Cebu to Cagayan de Oro, Cebu to Tagbilaran, and Samboan to Dapitan
Schedules for ferry travel varies depending on your destination of choice.
The Lite Ferry fare will depend on the accommodation type you choose, as well as the destination. Prices range from ₱200 to ₱900.
If you are a student, senior citizen or PWD, or a minor with valid IDs, you can avail of discounts. Students get 15% discount. Senior citizens and PWDs get 20% discount. Children aged 3 to 11 years old get 50% discount. Infants aged 2 years old and below get 100% discount.
If you are planning to transport your vehicle, you need to show a copy of the vehicle’s original receipt and certification of registration to purchase your ticket. However, if those are unavailable, a sales invoice or conduction sticker will suffice. Freight rates vary per route and type of vehicle.
Lite Ferry Destinations
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