Florida Bus Manila to Laoag Bus: Schedule, Tickets, Fares, and Booking

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Florida Bus: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes

Online booking

If you are planning to commute from Manila to Laoag City, taking the bus going to Laoag City is the cheapest and readily available option for you. Florida Bus Line offers Manila to Laoag bus trips and vice-versa.

Use the search tool above or click here to book.

Bus Schedule

Florida bus schedule Cubao to Laoag is currently unavailable as Manila to Laoag bus depart from the Sampaloc terminal. There are a total of 13 trips daily of Florida Bus Laoag. First trip is at 12:30 PM, and last trip at 11:30 PM.

Florida Bus Schedule Manila to Laoag

Route Schedule
Sampaloc to Laoag 12:30 PM, 1:30 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:15 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:15 PM, 9:30 PM, 11:30 PM

Bus Accommodation and Fare Rates

Florida Laoag bus fare depends on the accommodation you choose. You have the two accommodation options: Deluxe and Sleeper.

Accommodation Amenities Fare Rate
Deluxe An airconditioned 29-seater bus with 2×1 seating configuration, and on-board restroom and television. PHP 700.00
Sleeper An airconditioned 32-seater bus with 1x1x1 seating configuration and double-decked beds, and on-board restroom and television. PHP 850.00

Travel Time

Travel time from Manila to Laoag is approximately 10 hours and 45 minutes.

Hotels & Resorts




Florida Bus FAQ

The cheapest way from Manila to Laoag is via bus. There are bus services with daily trips to Laoag from Manila such as Farinas, Florida and Partas.

Fare rate is approximately PHP 700 to PHP 1, 200.

The travel time via bus is approximately 10 hours and 45 minutes.

For quick and convenient online booking of your bus ticket to Laoag, visit bustickets.ph.


Florida Bus offers Manila to Laoag and Laoag to Manila bus schedule trips. Bus to Laoag depart from the Sampaloc terminal with the first trip at 12:30 PM, and last trip at 11:30 PM. Fare rates depend on the accommodation of choice. You have two options, deluxe at PHP 700.00+ and sleeper at PHP 850.00+. Travel time from Manila to Laoag is approximately 10 hours and 45 minutes.


About Florida Bus

Florida Bus is the first company in the Philippines to introduce the Sleeper Bus Class, an airconditioned 32-seater bus with 1x1x1 seating configuration and double-decked beds, and on-board restroom and television. They have been serving travelers for 2 decades now. Their Sleeper Bus Class accomodations cover the Manila-Laoag-Tuguegarao routes, and the rest of their bus fleets cover routes to Cagayan Province, Isabela, Nueva Viscaya, Ilocos Norte, Tarlac, Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ilocos Sur, and Aparri.

Related Trips

Partas Bus: Manila to Laoag Bus Route

Farinas Bus: Manila to Laoag Bus Route

Florida Bus Destinations

For the full list of bus routes by Florida Bus, check out the their page.

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