CISCO Bus: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes
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Who are CISCO Bus?
For passengers looking to go to different points in Northern Luzon, try the CISCO experience! CISCO Bus Co. plies routes to Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac and Zambales. Established in 2007, CISCO has built a name for itself as a reliable, convenient, affordable, and an accommodating bus company. It is a smaller bus company, but it ranks high up in terms of cleanliness, safety and efficiency. CISCO staff is known to be the kindest and friendliest in the business!
CISCO Bus Co. is a David in the Goliath transportation industry, which is why it puts premium in quality service at an affordable price. For locals going back to their homes, CISCO is a favourite! Passengers who have had the CISCO experience can attest to the smooth travel, accompanied by a warm and approachable crew. CISCO doesn’t just get you to your destination safely, but it does so with an impeccable work ethic unmatched in the industry.
Popular routes with CISCO Bus
CISCO Bus Fleet
AC Buses: Air-conditioned buses offer a comfortable travel experience. There is free Wi-Fi, but there is no on-board toilet.
Ordinary, non-AC: The ordinary bus option is for passengers on a budget, and those who do not mind natural ventilation. Like the AC buses, ordinary units do not have on-board toilets, so passengers will have to wait until the designated bus stops.
There are three Cisco Bus terminals in Metro Manila, located in Cubao, Pasay, and Sampaloc. For Cubao, the address is 674 Edsa E. Rodriguez, Quezon City; the Pasay terminal is at 2220 Aurora Blvd., Tramo, Pasay City, while the Sampaloc terminal is situated at 2532 Legarda St., Sampaloc.
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the terminal. For convenient ticket reservations, visit
The ticket price will depend on your destination ranging from P200-700.
From Metro Manila, Cisco Bus provides every day trips to Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac and Zambales. There are morning and afternoon trips, but for some routes, Cisco only offers one trip per day.
These are estimates of travel time from Manila to various destinations. Please note that these would vary, depending on the route taken, traffic conditions, the number of stops, among others.
- Manila to Pangasinan – 6 to 7 hours
- Manila to Nueva Ecija – 4 to 6 hours
- Manila to Tarlac – 3 to 5 hours
- Manila to Zambales – 4 to 6 hours
Both the AC and Ordinary, non-AC buses do not have bathrooms on-board, but designated bus stops will be announced for passengers to use the toilet.
CISCO Bus Destinations
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