Aniceto Bus Line: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes
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Who are Aniceto Bus Line?
Aniceto Bus Line is owned and run by the Aniceto family – a clan of Ilocanos who took ownership of many hospitality industries from as long back as the 1960s. Tracing its roots from a long line of successes and struggles, this locally-owned company has built a reputation for resiliency and reliability. For both locals and tourists, Aniceto Bus Line has gradually gained loyalty from the commuting public. After all, it is the company’s resolve to win your trust.
The Aniceto Bus Line, for decades, has serviced routes from the Ilocos region to Manila. Now, it allows for charter buses customized to the needs of tourists and adventurers. Though it is a relatively small company, Aniceto Bus Line effectively adapts to the needs of the riding public, and continues to uphold the banner of safety, comfort, and quality service. So if you are planning to get a glimpse of historic sites, Spanish-inspired architectural buildings, and religious sites in the Ilocos region, take it from the locals and trust Aniceto Bus Line to get you there.
Popular routes with Aniceto Bus Line
Aniceto Bus Line fleet
The Aniceto Bus Line ferries its passengers to and from Manila with its reliable fleet:
Isuzu Super Cruiser: A heavy-duty coach manufactured by Isuzu. It is a commercial vehicle, designed as a single-deck coach. Aniceto Bus Line specifically uses the Isuzu Super Cruiser SHD High Decker Coaches.
Hino Blue Ribbon: The Hino Blue Ribbon is a single-decker bus manufactured by Hino Motors. This is commonly used as city buses and for tourist coaches. Aniceto Bus Line’s relationship with Hino buses runs decades back, with the company being the first to field Hino buses at the Manila-Northern Luzon route.
Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Queen: The Mitsubishi Fuso is likewise a single-decker coach manufactured by Mitsubishi and Hyundai Motor Company.
Hino S’elega: The Hino S’elega is another commercial vehicle series manufactured by Hino motors. This series was introduced back in 1990, but second generation models came out from 2005 to present. The Aniceto Bus Line has purchased second generation units of the Hino S’elega.
Aniceto Bus Line FAQ
There are two main terminals for Aniceto Buses – one in Sampaloc, Manila and another in Vigan City, Ilocos:
- Manila – 1304 Asturias cor. Laon Laan Streets, Sampaloc, Manila
- Vigan – Liberation Boulevard, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the terminal. For convenient ticket reservations, visit
The Manila to Vigan trip usually takes at least 8 hours, depending on the number and length of stops, road conditions, and other factors.
Aniceto Bus Line offers daily trips from Manila to Vigan City, and vice versa. There are also daily trips for the Vigan-Baguio-Vigan route. The regular daily schedule of Manila to Vigan trips is at 9:30PM, while Vigan to Baguio trips are at 8:00AM and 4:00PM.
No, none of the buses currently serviced by Aniceto Bus Line have on-board toilets, but there are designated bus stops.
Aniceto Bus Line Destinations
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