ALPS Bus: Tickets, Schedules, and Routes
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Who are ALPS Bus?
ALPS Bus Incorporated is a family-owned corporation. The company name ALPS was coined from the name of the head of the family, Arcadio Lontok Perez and Siblings. Hence, ALPS. The company was founded in 1991. Initially, their routes include Lawton to Batangas via Alabang and vice versa.
Today the company has additional routes: ALPS Cubao to Batangas City; Cubao to San Juan Batangas, Nasugbu to Batangas City, Cubao to Sorsogon, Cubao to Daet, and Cubao to Naga. ALPS now has over 50 fully furnished buses to cater to the travel needs of their passengers.
ALPS has three terminals conveniently located in Metro Manila. These are the ALPS Bus Terminal Alabang, ALPS Bus Terminal Cubao, and ALPS Terminal EDSA, Quezon City.
Popular routes with ALPS Bus
ALPS Travel Buses
ALPS offers airconditioned buses with 2×2 seating configuration for all trips to all destinations. These buses have on-board television.
ALPS Bus Travel Schedule
Schedule for bus travel varies depending on your destination of choice. Although bus trip schedules may vary, it is guaranteed that they have daily trips to your destination of choice.
It is recommended to have your tickets reserved before going to the terminal, especially if you prefer specific accommodation types. For convenient ALPS ticket reservations and booking, visit
ALPS has service routes to various destinations, including the following: Naga, Iriga, Legazpi, Albay, Sorsogon, and Batangas.
ALPS schedule for bus travel varies depending on your destination of choice.
ALPS fare will depend on your travel destination. Prices range from P750 – P950.
ALPS Destinations
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